Reach Out World Day Testimonies
13/01/25 • 59 Views
Sister Evelyn went to a different place this Reachout world for distribution rather than the normal area she normally go for distribution. God led her to people smoking and drinking, yet yielded themselves to the teaching of God’s word. They gave their heart to Christ and provided a place where Church can be built and the people were willing to have the church established. Pastor Yeimy narrated thus “we went out to the rhapsody distribution, we noticed a very unusual interest, many people accepted Christ, we went out to parks in the countryside to distribute, and not only did it attract the attention of the new believers but also the interest of the actors in our country. In addition, 3 more churches were added to Christ embassy, we met already known pastors who were interested in the rhapsody and Christ embassy they want to be part of the team working in Costa Rica Just by going out one day to the Rhapsody distribution, we saw the power of the God at work through the Rhapsody in Costa Rica. We are going all out and this is just beginning. We saw the interest and the desire to work in people, in leaders who were stagnant without going out to seek souls for Christ. I know that soon we will have news of the new converts *Glory to God”.