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Another account of the miraculous with Rhapsody of Realities.
Peace in the midst of the storm.
Reading the Rhapsody changed his life
Miraculously released from prison.
Another encounter of the mmiraculous with Rhapsody of Realities
Another Account of the miraculous with Rhapsody of Realities.
Andrew had been in and out of trouble for decades. From drug and alcohol abuse, being in and out of prison life was looking bleak. After crying out to God, a few months later he came in contact with Rhapsody of realities. From a life of crime to a life of a soul winner Andrew has been transformed by the messenger angel.
Depressed, alone and without hope, Jamie was ready to walk out on her family and even to end her own life. There seemed to be no way out of this cycle and after the 4th suicide attempt it was enough, God intervened, and Rhapsody came into Jamie’s life.
She was a solution to people in crisis
Depression is removed though the Rhapsody.
Sowing into Rhapsody helped him get jobs he wasnt qualified for.
Another account of the miraculous with Rhapsody of Realities. Name: Davies Pedzai
Another account of the miraculous with Rhapsody of Realities. Name: Sister Rita Zone: Benin Zone 1
Another account of the miraculous with Rhapsody of Realities. Name: Christine Amanda
Another account of the miraculous with Rhapsody of Realities. Name: Brother Segun Olatunde Onanubi. Zone: Lagos Zone 4
Deaconess Maureen Marhule was miraculously saved from a fatal accident by heeding to the instruction of the Holy Spirit to read her Rhapsody of Realities. Watch as she shares her inspiring testimony. Name: Deaconess Maureen Marhule Zone: SA Zone Nationality: South-African